HE,Fang (何方)
Post Doc,
Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hung Hom, Kowloon HK
E-mail: fanhe@polyu.edu.hk
About me
I received the Ph.D degree from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, in 2024, the M.Eng. degree in 2020, and the B.Eng. degree in 2017, both from the Central University of Finance and Economics, China.
I am currently a post-doc in the Department of Computing, HKPolyU, supervised by Prof. Dan WANG.
My research interests lie in the intersection of smart buildings and artificial intelligence (AI), including the energy-aware smart building applications, machine learning, and data mining.
Recently I am focusing on applying the knowledge graph technologies to the smart building services.
Research interests
Smart Buildings
Machine Learning
Knowledge Graphs
Data Mining
Recent publications
F. He, D. Wang, and Y. Sun, "Ontology Integration for Building Systems and Energy Storage Systems", in Proc. ACM Buildsys'23, Istanbul, Nov. 2023.
F. He, and D. Wang, "Cloze: A Building Metadata Model Generation System based on Information Extraction", in Proc. ACM Buildsys'22, Boston, MA, Nov. 2022.
Y. Deng, J. Fan, H. Jiang, F. He, D. Wang, A. Li, F. Xiao, "Behavior Testing of Load Forecasting Models using BuildChecks", in Proc. ACM e-Energy'22, 2022.
F. He, Y. Deng, Y. Xu, C. Xu, D. Hong, and D. Wang, "Energon: A Data Acquisition System for Portable Building Analytics", in Proc. ACM e-Energy'21, virtual, Torino, Italy, June, 2021.
F. He, C. Xu, Y. Xu, D. Hong, D. Wang, "EnergonQL: A Building Independent Acquisitional Query Language for Portable Building Analytics", in Proc. ACM Buildsys'20, virtual, Yokohama, Japan, Nov. 2020.
Academic service
Publication Chair
Ph.D., Computer Science, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2024.
M.Eng., Software Engineering, Central University of Finance and Economics, 2020
B.Eng., Information Security, Central University of Finance and Economics, 2017
A brief cv.